Analysis of Carbonization Process and Graphitization Process
Friday, 26 October 2018
“The knowledge is at the core of carbon material science,” said Walker, “from the precursor of organic matter, through heat treatment to convert the former into a carbon solid with controllable microcrystalline arrangement.” It is the carbon-solid structure of a particular material that is produced after carbonization that determines the physical and chemical properties of
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Competition of International Graphite Mold Industry Has Reached a Fever
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
The world graphite mold industry has gone through a period of rapid development, into the mature stage. And the markets of developed countries have been saturated, and developing countries and regions have become the focus of competition for big companies because of their huge market potential. The world’s graphite mold production capacity of about 28
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Graphite Can Be Used As the Basic Material of Nanometer Element
Saturday, 22 September 2018
Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the French Academy of Sciences have made use of graphite to successfully create a theoretical model of transistors, electronic circuits and integrated circuits. The electronic devices they manufacture have the advantages of carbon nanotubes, but they can be made with the current microelectronics technology. If it succeeds,
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Flexible Graphite Material Is Non-fibrous Material
Monday, 03 September 2018
Flexible graphite material belongs to non fiber material. Graphite powder flexible graphite made of plate after molded into sealed filler use. Flexible graphite, also known as expanded graphite, is to remove impurities from natural flake graphite. After the strong oxidation mixed acid treatment, it becomes the oxidized graphite. The oxidized graphite decomposes the carbon dioxide,
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Graphite Cooling Technology
Monday, 27 August 2018
The thermal conductivity of natural graphite is mostly in 300-700w/m. K, and the thermal conductivity of synthetic graphite is mostly in 700-1500w/m. K, which can even be achieved even higher. Graphite also has grading: natural graphite and synthetic graphite have different thermal conductivity Synthetic graphite is the polymer as raw material, made into thin film,
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Composition of Graphite Sensor
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Graphene is an ideal two-dimensional crystal with regular six square symmetry, which has been discovered in recent years by covalent bonding of single layer carbon atoms. is a new type of low dimensional carbon material after fullerene and CNTs. Because of the extraordinary electrical, thermal and mechanical functions of graphite and broad application prospects, graphene
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